Dear Husband,
I love the way you love me!
Passionate, Affectionate, and Tenacious,
The way you care to comfort me when I need it most.
How we’ve matured in Love and Marriage, both willing to invest time and effort to learn
and grow together.
Because I love you....
And Love Endures all things….
I’m willing to look past your Mood today.
I’m only going to engage in the battles that are absolutely necessary to fight.
Let’s not get caught up in a meaningless argument to later realize the fact that we don’t even remember how or why the conversation started....
God knows it’s a hard thing for me to do, but I’m going to lay aside my emotions.
Even though you seem quite argumentative to EVERYTHING I say today I’m going to be quiet and listen.... 😩
Pour on you all the love you need, and trust that whatever is really on your mind- we can talk about it when you’re feeling up to it.
I’m grateful that our good days outweigh the bad, and
I never want to neglect acknowledging your feelings.
I’m listening babe.
I love you,
Your Mrs.
