My PASSION and PURPOSE is to Inspire- Motivate- and Celebrate YOU to your next level, and with God’s grace I have the POTENTIAL to reach across the globe with the gifts and abilities he’s given me to share and connect with love and compassion.
I lead with LOVE because LOVE never fails. Inspiring speeches will fade, earthly knowledge is ever changing, and goals will either be achieved or continually sought after.
I understand that true Joy begins when you know within yourself the Purpose you serve, and that’s what I want to share with you! No matter the job you work, we all find true joy in serving others in some way.
You may work in customer service, You may own a clothing line, You could enjoy working in hospitals or nursing homes, maybe you’re a comedian or a top chef, or maybe you’re motivational speaker or entertainer, You may be one of the best homemakers or caretakers. Whatever you do, understand the purpose God has given you, and do it to the best of your ability
I haven’t written to you in a while, but I've been busy branching out into audio and video reaching even more people with Good News!
New Subscribers!! Thanks for your support, I promise to never flood your inbox with fluff.
If It ain’t good tea you won’t get it from me! Lol
However, You never know what you’re gonna get with a lifestyle blog.
I talk about it all in good faith and have lots of fun!
Be sure to click below and Check out the podcast for RenaSpeaks every Wednesday for the
“Word Of Knowledge” on Faith, Family and Freedom.
Definitely GET Into the NEW ARRIVALS from MyBalanceBrand.com
Annddd, check out Pillow Talk w/ the Washingtons as my husband and I have transparent conversations about Life and marriage.
I won’t keep you waiting, let's jump into it.
Rena Speaks
PillowTalk w/ The Washingtons
Here’s what we’ve been up to!
Welp we planned, we prepared, and God produced!
Our recent family business has taken the phrase #bookedandbusy to another level.
Hear me when I say- When you step out there, you gotta be ready for the demand.
This new venture has been hard work and a lot of fun as well. Investing, managing time, organizing, and communication have all had their fair share of exercise lately in our household, but when we keep our eyes on the end goal we realize that we’re built for this!
At the beginning of 2022 we decreed and declared that we would be booked and busy all year long and we launched our parent company to the public with an amazing night of food, fun, music and business networking.
The Black Crown Company brought business owners and creatives together with
“The Entrepreneur Encounter” to share, support and serve one another with our gifts and abilities in the marketplace. Since then the grind has been non-stop!
We’ve collaborated with so many different Leaders and have been blessed to be in the company of people who add value to all that we do.
In short we focus on the development of small business and Project management,
“Developing Vision and Maximizing Creativity is what we do.”
We can help bring your vision to Life!
To Date we have established a profitable business model for each person in our family, and we work as a team to bring each passion to fruition.
In our latest endeavor we have capitalized on the opportunity to meet new people and be creative while doing something we all love, which is TALKING & EATING!
Our Food Truck “SideOFries” has been in popular demand, and we're ready for what’s next.
I guess the saying is true, Time flies when you're having fun.
Please take a moment and follow our facebook page @SideOFries and Instagram @sideofries_ Also, We would love to hang out with you so if you’re within 50 miles of the Charleston, SC area call us to be a vendor at your next event.
Catch us Outside!
Next up, Business with The Boys —
If you Keep up with my blogs you know I’m very passionate about Faith, Family, and the Freedoms that are important to all of us concerning
our lives and livelihood.
One of my favorite phrases is “What’s important to you is important to you.” Some will respect and value your priorities and some others may have a difference of opinion. I’ve conceded that, that is absolutely O.K!
On my journey of raising 3 black men it has been imperative that I pay close attention to the changes and challenges that are taking place in this current climate, and prepare them to navigate through life successfully to the best of my ability.
Thankfully, I’m not alone in this parenting journey. My husband is our solid rock and enforcer. Even in times when we don’t agree, we have a firm and united front with raising our sons.
Sometimes we as adults blindly allow the world to dictate how we parent our children, and at times we push them out before they are ready to fly.
I don’t believe they have to fail first to learn.
The same way they take classes in school and prepare to take tests is the same way we as parents should take the time to teach them, and let them practice a little (homework) before they are tested with life’s adult responsibilities. I’m not talking about hindering them or giving them all the answers to the test, but be sure to prepare them before they face it.
When it’s time and you as the teacher have finished the lesson, give the test and see how they do. And don’t be so mean that you won’t offer a re-test if they fail the first time.
Our first born completed his first year of college in an atmosphere and season that was extremely difficult to bear. I couldn’t be more proud of the young man I see as I watch him advance to the next chapter of his life. He knows who he is, and I’m ecstatic that he’s taking his time, and allowing God to show him his path in order to strategically move forward.
He also blessed us with our first grandchild. Ms. Aminna, affectionately known to the Washington crew as the most beautiful girl in the world!
Our 2nd born is a High school Senior this year!! He’s come through so much adversity, and he’s still standing tall. It’s been amazing to watch him be a leader and encourage others even when things weren’t going the way he would’ve hoped for himself. Now we know, there was a greater blessing waiting for him!
Some attributes of his name are faithful, whole-hearted, bold, and brave.
He is all of those things and so much more.
I can’t wait to see how God manifests his prayers for his senior year and in just a few months he’s off to college as well. I’m so excited for my young king.
I wish you could have seen how fast the baby boy grew to 6ft tall!
One day I looked up and he was towering over me.
I’m still “mama bear” to this quiet storm.
We’re preparing for a busy summer on the basketball courts. Sophomore year came and is almost done.
We’re ready for the next leg of the journey!!
I LoOvVeE Us!!
While you’re here, grab a copy of my new LifeStyle manual,
A beautiful reminder of just how important it is to TEACH our children their heritage, and shape them with the proper mindset to carry out their purpose in the earth. The Return to a beautifully molded, perfectly purposed and productive royal priesthood, Full of Faith and the Confidence to Conquer.
They will Lead Well.
Our Women's Non-Profit is on the move!
We’ve only scratched the surface of how great our relationships and time together will be.
Even as women of FAITH, with each other we are free to be our true selves!
Living, Loving, and Laughing a lot.

Just before Mother’s Day we’ll have our annual tea. This Year’s theme is “Cover Her.”
In Love
In Compassion
In Grace
In Care, and all the things that we can provide for each other when we get together.
If you’re in the Charleston area and you’re ready to join forces with a group of ladies that will help push you to your NEXT LEVEL of SUCCESS in Life.You need to Be There!
Check out some of the testimonies on our YouTube page and follow us on facebook @ TheRealHer to keep up with our events. We would also love to be invited to yours, and some of us don’t mind traveling so send the invite!
Continually speaking life into our situations- Her Faith Talk
Continuing to be an amazing keeper of our homes and pillar for our families.- Her Family
Always remembering to schedule time to decompress and pour back into ourselves- Her Peace of Mind
Visit TheRealHer.org to register for events or simply keep up with what we’ve got brewing.

And Now This!
Q2 is here and we're off to a Greeaatt start!
I hope you started the year full of Cheer, Ambition and “CONFIDENCE.”
There has been some adversity for sure but quitting is definitely NOT an option.
It’s our Renaissance year and we’re pursuing our passion and purpose like never before.
I can’t move forward without celebrating a few wins!! Consistency is the name of the game, and that was my #1 GOAL to start this year off right and form different habits.
I’m extremely proud of myself, I hope that you can say the same.
I’ve been Tik-Tok and YouTube vibing, consistent with getting in my exercise, and I completed my business goals for the first quarter of 2023. 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
If you didn’t have a running start there’s no time better than the present to get started.
Follow me on Social media platforms @RenaSpeaks and subscribe to my YouTube channel RenaSpeaksTV.
Also, Runnnnn and go grab your copy of the Balance Planner @Renaspeaks.com and stay on top of your goals and daily tasks!
Remember to Inspire~Motivate~ Celebrate and SHARE the Blog with someone!
Stay tuned, we'll chat soon.