On days off, busy moms don't usually rest. We clean, shop for the house, and plan and prepare for the days ahead. Well, today I stumbled upon a small diner in the city. The plan was to have a quick, quiet breakfast and some time just to think, plan and write. To my surprise it wasn't quiet at all. This hidden gem was packed to capacity with a little bit of everyone from everywhere. I saw people conducting meetings, and mothers with children on breakfast dates, a group of service men having bible study, and some little old ladies who were just thrilled to be hanging out! Anyway... I decided to stay. It's a seat yourself spot, so I pick a table and sit down with my computer. The most energetic server I've ever had pops over and offers me some coffee, and starts up a conversation about my morning goals. By the time she walked away I had ordered the most expensive (but well worth it) dish on the menu, met two new friends at the tables beside and behind me, and lost all focus about what I had planned to do. I guess sometimes you just need a day to unwind. Meet new people, have conversations with no intentions or prior purpose, and spoil yourself in ways that you otherwise would not think about doing. It was awesome, what a breath of fresh air. No need to stop at breakfast. I still had a couple of hours before time to get the boys from school so while I usually would have been doing laundry or prepping meals, I decided to head on over to the nail salon for a mall for a mani/pedi, and I'm not really sure how but afterwards I ended up in the mall shopping for new sandals lol. This was turning out to be an amazing day. I figured I may as well top off the afternoon with a Very Berry Hibiscus from Starbucks and soak up a little sun at the park, (where I would eventually write this blog entry) but I better keep this all a secret because the guys might get jealous. As for the chores, well my week may be thrown off a little, but I'll play catch up later. My tip for today is... If unplanned "me time" presents itself to you, let it happen. You only live once. Enjoy. :)
